Become A Classic Automobile Appraiser

Classic Car Appraiser

Are you considering becoming either a full time or part time automobile appraiser? If so, here are a few very important questions that you should ask yourself.

A. Do you want to be your own boss?
B. Do you want to be directed from a corporate headquarters hundreds or thousands of miles away?

A. Do you actually want to learn how to appraise automobiles yourself?
B. Do you just want to learn how to forward the relevant information and photographs to a corporate headquarters hundreds or thousands of miles away who will then compile the actual appraisal report?

A. Do you want to be paying a very large up-front fee?
B. Do you want to pay a one-time low fee to become an appraiser?

A. Do you want to keep all of the money that you earn?
B. Do you want to pay roughly one third of the money you earn to the parent company, every month forever?

A. Do you want to be limited to a small, clearly defined territory to appraise automobiles?
B. Do you want a large, flexible area to do business in?

A. Do you want to sign a 30 plus page, legally binding contract agreeing to all of the above?
B. Do you want to shake hands and start making money?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the ‘A’s above, please contact one of the many appraisal groups or networks that advertise online.

If all of your ‘Yes’ answers were in the ‘B’ column, please call Jeff Hyman at (800) 454-1313 for further information.

Read about our CAA Training Program.